I can feel my blood pumping with excitement when I read about other people’s travel adventures, see photos of faraway lands, and watch videos of life abroad being lived to the fullest. I continue to feel this even as a long-term traveler myself. Whenever I get the chance, I make sure to catch up on fellow traveler’s posts online.

I follow many blogs, instagrams, facebook pages, and twitter accounts of travelers who continue to send adrenaline down to my toes and provide information that helps me decide where I will go next in my travels.

Timothy Chow’s Elite Travel Blog and Nora Dunn’s The Professional Hobo are two of these blogs I follow. Stories and advice from both these sites ignited my decision to travel and gave me the confidence to do so. Timothy’s blog showed me the diversity of destination options out there, while Nora’s blog offered me the financial know-how for long-term travel.

When Timothy asked to interview me for his Five Travel Questions series and when Nora asked me to write a guest post for her Week-In-the-Life series, I was ecstatic for both!

Here are links to both of them:

Elite Travel Blog: Five Travel Questions, Rikka - Deviating the Norm

April 11, 2015

Enjoy, and tell me what you think! :)
