Hi everyone! I've been itching to update the design of the blog for a while now. I finally got around to giving it a fresh makeover this week. Maybe you've already noticed it!

I got rid of the old home page in favor of a welcome page and a page outlining my journey. There's also an about section, a contact form, and a photo gallery on the site now. You'll see the blog is still there in its usual form. The travel hacking page is also still there and the itinerary page is, too, but it's now incorporated into the story of my journey.

Take a look around when you have a few minutes. And if you feel like it, let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you!

Here's a few more details about what you'll find on the site that's new:

Home Page

The Royal Pavilion at Royal Park Rajapruek in Thailand

The home page is now a welcome page, or "cover page," meant to give a quick snapshot of what my blog is all about. You'll see some rotating photos there from my travels—a few of which I have not included on the blog yet! I may swap in new photos from time to time to mix things up. So definitely have a look at it every once in a while.

Journey Page

I got rid of the old home page look in favor of a scrolling story line that takes you through my 15-month long adventure around the world in 2014-2015. The journey page outlines where I traveled, including all of the blog posts associated with each country I visited.

I wanted to do this to give my blog a bit more of a story line. It felt like all of my blog posts were getting buried in the past. This page brings all of my posts out of history and into a single, stream-lined location.

There are huge photos on the page and there are lots of links, so it may take a few seconds to load especially on slower internet connections. But it's worth the load time. I have to admit, I'm a little bit (okay, a lot) obsessed with how it came out. I love it!

About Page

Now you can learn a little about me and why I decided to write a travel blog in the first place. What is deviating the norm, after all? I describe what deviating the norm means to me and how it influenced my desire to travel and the ways in which I travel.

I really don't know why I didn't write one of these sooner!

Photos Page

Spring flower in New Zealand

I've had several people tell me I should make a photo gallery. I didn't because I sort of consider my Instagram page to be my gallery. But then I decided it would be nice to have one as an "official" portfolio of all the gorgeous places I visited and things I saw in my travels. Well, I finally published it.

The page has all the best photos in one place so you don't have to sift through all the blog posts to find them (because I know some of you were doing that). I guess you all like my photos a lot!

I picked out my personal favorites. If you spot any others on the blog you think should be on there, feel free to shoot me a message—using the form on my new contact page!

Contact Page

Reach me directly with questions, comments, or requests for writing about or adding certain content!
